Inspiring others - Fuller looking forward to Manning Cup ambassador role

August 31, 2018

Former national striker Ricardo Fuller says he is looking forward to the opportunity of working and imparting his knowledge to the country's aspiring footballers, who are set to parade their skills in this season's Manning Cup competition.

The 38-year-old Fuller was named an ambassador for this year's Manning Cup competition by sponsors Digicel, during launch of the competition two-weeks ago. Fuller told Star Sports that he is looking forward to working with the players as well as coaches participating in the Manning Cup competition this season.

"As an ambassador, it means to use that experience that you have gained over the years playing locally or coming through the system of the Manning Cup because I was a product of the Manning Cup," said Fuller.

"I came through that and then I represented Tivoli Gardens and then representing various teams before moving to England and I have done reasonably well for myself," said Fuller, who is a former Camperdown Manning Cup star.




"If I can mentor and guide the young talents that are playing in the Manning Cup and create a path for them that they can follow to reach to that height, where players like myself Ricardo Gardner, Jermaine Johnson, Damion Stewart and Claude Davis reached, then that is the job of an ambassador," he said.

Fuller, who netted 10 goals in 77 appearances for the Reggae Boyz, added that as part of his role as an ambassador, he will be conducting clinics with the coaches as well as players and at the end of the season, he will be selecting an All-Star team.

"We will also be visiting schools and giving speeches and I think that there are some social media sites that Digicel has created for me to be on to make inspirational quotes, just for the Manning Cup season," said Fuller, who had a stellar career playing professionally, with Stoke City in the English Premier League from 2006-2012.

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