She’s A Wonder prime for the Portmore thriller

April 29, 2021
She’s A Wonder (front), ridden by Reyan Lewis, closes in on victory in The Thornbird Stakes at Caymanas Park on Wednesday, April 7.
She’s A Wonder (front), ridden by Reyan Lewis, closes in on victory in The Thornbird Stakes at Caymanas Park on Wednesday, April 7.

SHE'S A WONDER's Thornbird Stakes win, an easy 10-length romp after being slowly into stride, makes Saturday's Portmore fillies-only event a spectator's race, despite her allowing weight all around in the seven-and-a-half furlong event.

Runner-up ACTION ANN has more lengths to reverse than the nine-pound weight swing in her favour. Third-place SENSATIONAL ENDING was even farther behind SHE'S A WONDER at the end than she was turning for home, and fourth-past-the-post HOIST THE MAST has 14 lengths to make up for a nine-pound advantage, leaving her with five unaccounted lengths.

Having established herself as the most improved filly in training with a second-place run in last December's Jamaica Two-Year-Old Stakes behind top colt FURTHER AND BEYOND, SHE'S A WONDER has stamped her class, first dismissing imported LURE OF LUCY in a fast-run five-furlong round sprint, 59.2, before annihilating her peers in the Thornbird Stakes.

Won the Thornbird Stakes

SHE'S A WONDER won the Thornbird Stakes as expected, clocking 1:26.4, four-fifths slower than the 1:26.0 FURTHER AND BEYOND posted to land the Prince Consort Stakes the following day. Her Thornbird Stakes time suggests she would have beaten the Prince Consort Stakes third-place colt, CALCULUS, which puts her in a different league than her peers.

HOIST THE MAST, the once-nemesis of SHE'S A WONDER, has been left behind by her rival. She tried matching strides in the Thornbird Stakes, but was left standing. HOIST THE MAST returns with a figure eight fitted but is only seven pounds lighter, hoping to reverse 14 lengths, a tall order.

Hot Line Stakes winner ACTION ANN was blinded with speed in the Thornbird Stakes, so too the third horse, SENSATIONAL ENDING, who could improve her placing. SENSATIONAL ENDING entered the event fresh off a maiden win, the second outing from a six-month lay-up. Having done well to secure third place, suggesting she has above-average ability, SENSATIONAL ENDING could very well turn the tables on ACTION ANN for the runner-up slot after being only two lengths off her in the Thornbird Stakes.

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