Champions Cup showdown - GC Foster classmates, coaches Gordon and Ferguson, face to face at Stadium East

January 05, 2022
JC’s coach Davion Ferguson
JC’s coach Davion Ferguson
Merron Gordon, Garvey Maceo’s coach.
Merron Gordon, Garvey Maceo’s coach.

Western Bureau

Today's return of schoolboy football will serve up an intimate clash with the Davion Ferguson-led Jamaica College (JC) facing Merron Gordon's Garvey Maceo High in the quarter-finals of the ISSA Champions Cup in the first game of the double-header at Stadium East in Kingston.

In the late kick off at 3 p.m., 2019's beaten finalists Clarendon College will face Charlie Smith High. Clarendon will want to avenge 2018's first round elimination at the feet of their counterparts.

Both Gordon and Ferguson share more than a good working relationship on the field. They shared a classroom at G.C. Foster College of Physical Education and Sport where they pursued their Bachelor of Education degrees.

Gordon says he does not know how much of a factor his familiarity with Ferguson and his style of football will have on the game. He believes his boys will have to execute on the day against 'a well-oiled machine' in JC.

Despite scoring 36 goals in their 10-game unbeaten season so far, the 30-time Manning Cup champions will be a different animal to the teams they have played.

"I think it's going to boil down to the team that executes the game plan the best. Both of us know each other, so Davion knows how I approach games and I know his style. The JC team is a well-oiled machine, a team full of talent and a coach that I have a lot of respect for. I know it's going to be a tough encounter but we are up for the task," Gordon said.

"It would be very good for us as a school to win that game. JC are a champion team. We are definitely going in as the underdogs, so getting the better of them would be very good for my boys," he added.

Ferguson said neither himself nor Gordon will be on the field, so their history should play no part.

"Yes, there is a lot of familiarity at work because we were in college and at the national team level, so we have our history. For me, it's JC versus Garvey, not me against Merron," Ferguson said.

"I think Garvey have earned their position in the competition so far. They are serious rivals and that's how we will approach the game. I haven't seen Garvey all season, so I don't know how they will approach the game but based on their history we can come up with ideas," he added.

After losing their second game of the season, JC went on a seven-game win streak, scoring 30 goals and it was not until their last two that they conceded. After conceding four goals in their last two games, coach Ferguson said they have used the past two weeks to improve as a unit for the quarter-finals.

"We know what we want to achieve from the season. We try to use the depth of our squad and in doing so might lessen the overall technical aspect of the group. We would have done some work in the two weeks break but it's more about continuing the boys' development rather than preparing for any one opponent.

The other two quarter-final games will be played at the STETHS Sports Complex. Defending champions Kingston College who boast a perfect win record will face The Manning's School in the late kick-off at 3 p.m. after an also perfect Dinthill Technical who are yet to even concede a goal take on St Andrew Technical High at 1 p.m.

Today's matches

1 p.m: STATHS vs Dinthill - STETHS

1 p.m: JC vs Garvey Maceo - Stadium East

3 p.m: KC vs Manning's - STETHS

3 p.m: Charlie Smith vs Clarendon College - Stadium East

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