KC hungry for Waterford’s points

October 10, 2022
Taville Henry (left) of Ardenne shields the ball from Kingston College’s (KC) Samuel Shakes during their Manning Cup match at Stadium East on Friday. KC drubbed Ardenne 9-0.
Taville Henry (left) of Ardenne shields the ball from Kingston College’s (KC) Samuel Shakes during their Manning Cup match at Stadium East on Friday. KC drubbed Ardenne 9-0.

Kingston College will go for their seventh consecutive win when they take on Waterford at Stadium East in one of three Group A ISSA/Digicel Manning Cup games this afternoon at 3:30.

Kingston College coach Raymond 'Stampy' Watson is expecting nothing less than a victory, despite admitting to being at a disadvantage because of his lack of knowledge of his opponents.

"I have never seen Waterford play, but I guess everyone has seen us because we have had two TV games. Outside of that, we have played on match days when no other team in the group was playing.

"While that is a disadvantage, based on their results with St George's beating them and them drawing with Calabar and I think we are better than both George's and Calabar, I expect nothing less than points," he said.

According to Watson, he expects to be at full strength, apart from any unforeseen factors and he predicts it will be his opponents' hardest match to date.

"After the first half is finished, Waterford will have played against the best team they have ever faced in the group. I don't think the challenge they gave George's and Calabar will not be the same as facing us," he added.

Waterford's coach Kevin Reid is optimistic about his chances, despite the odds.

"It is not going to be an easy match. We are playing the defending champions, who are more talented than us, but this is football and it depends on if these guys want it more," Reid said.

"We are going there to fight and hope for the best. We are not going to dominate, but we are going to see if we can come away with three points. If not, we will try to leave with at least one, but we are not going there to lose.

"The team that wants it more will come out on top. It will be more psychological, but I am positive we can do it. Once I get them to do what they should, things should be very interesting," he said.

In the other Group A games, St George's entertain Calabar at Winchester Park and Meadowbrook play Ardenne at Constant Spring. All games start at 3.30 p.m.

Calabar sit fourth in the group on eight points, while Ardenne and Meadowbrook are yet to get off the mark.

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