Run brother run, she's not a good woman


November 23, 2015

Dear Pastor,

I have a huge problem. I was with this woman who has three children for two different men, but they were not supporting them. I was the person who did everything. I sent them to school, fed them, bought clothes for them, etc. Pastor, their mother went out and got pregnant for one of the men again. I am asking you, what should I do?


Dear J.P.,

You should not even ask me to tell you what to do. You should leave this woman right away. She is wilful, ungrateful and has absolutely no respect for you or herself. Leave this woman and don't even look back. Make sure you take off your shoes and dust it off right at her gate so that the dust from the yard will not remain on your shoes. I repeat, don't look back when you are leaving. I know you might have had an attachment to the kids. If any of them come to visit you and you feel like giving them something, do so out of the kindness of your heart. But have nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with their mother. You are very fortunate that she did not try to pass this pregnancy on to you. Thank God that didn't happen. So run, brother, run. She is not a good woman.


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