Gunter wins best comedian award at IRAWMA

October 10, 2015
File Rohan Gunter

Gunter wins best comedian award at IRAWMA

Curtis Campbell

STAR Writer

Rohan 'Mi Nah Laugh' Gunter has added another title to his name by winning the 2015 IRAWMA Award for 'Best Comedian'.

The award was presented to the actor/

comedian recently at the 34th Annual International Reggae and World Music Awards, held at the Bailey Hall at Broward College, Davie in Fort Lauderdale.

Gunter exploded on the comedy scene in Jamaica when he won the 'Comedy Buss' Competition in 2006.

To win the award, Gunter, who is now based in Florida, was voted ahead of fellow comedians Majah Hype, his mentor Christopher 'Johnny' Daley, Trabass and Glen Campbell, veteran actor and comedian.

After collecting his award, Gunter then gave the audience a taste of why he deserved the honour with a relatively lengthy comedic skit, using storytelling and witty punchlines lines to get the audience laughing in their seats.

"I appreciate all the persons who voted and made this accomplishment possible and I will continue to make Jamaica proud from anywhere in the world. Follow me on Facebook at rohanmnlgunter and Twitter at gunternahlaugh," he told The STAR.

The comedian also hosts a radio program called Go Hard Fridays that is aired on in the United States.

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