Six parish champions selected at Pan 2016
Six parish champions emerged out of Saturday's Regional 1 face-off of Pan 2016 pan chicken championship, held at Black River, St Elizabeth.
Hodain Huie of Clarendon, Vandyke Bernard of Hanover, Oliver Madourie of St James, Dianca Spencer of Manchester, Rickardo Eulette of St Elizabeth, and Annette Holt of Westmorland were all winners after a day sizzling with jerked chicken.
"I am feeling so happy. It's my first time entering, and trust me, I knew that I would make it," said Spence, who hails from Spur Tree. The youngest contestant at just 24, Spence explained that aside from wanting the grand championship title, she also wanted to garner as much experience on the road to becoming a sous chef one day.
"I always wanted to become a sous chef so that further on I can have my own business and help train others on the steps I've learned," she said.
Bernard not only took the Hanover title, but also won the Miracle Tallawah Sauce competition. The Elgin Town man told THE STAR that though it was his first time entering the competition, now in its 11th year, he was more than determined to take the parish title.
Not wishing to divulge his secret to the sauce recipe, Bernard noted that it took lots of practice, which he will further need in order to do just as well in the grand final set for Half-Way Tree on Sunday, October 30. "I am just hoping to do what I normally do, which is cook food the proper way with the right spice and right season and, hopefully, I come out victorious," Bernard outlined.
His sentiments were echoed by Holt, who is now a double parish champion. "I feel good winning a second time now. I feel proud of myself," said Holt, who first won the Westmoreland region final in 2013.
Holt said that her eyes are firmly fixed on the grand prize after coming so close to missing out on the opportunity two years ago. She stated that she plans to do something a little different so as to ensure that her jerked chicken dish stands out.