Nichelous delivers debut album

August 02, 2019

Reggae singer Nicholas ‘Nichelous’ Fearon released his debut album, ‘ Balance’, in May 2019.

The 16-song album boasts tracks which tackle several societal ills and promote a Pan-African point of view.

He is now in Jamaica to do radio promotions for the album.

“I am here to spread the message. I want to bring a cleaner, more positive vibe to the dancehall scene, and to launch my official website,” he said. “I just have to give thanks for my team, which has been working aggressively to make an impact out there, and I love the feedback so far, especially from Europe and the Caribbean.”

He recorded his first song, Rise Marcus Garvey, for the Bonner Cornerstone label in 2012 and has not looked back since.

That song, a tribute to the Pan African giant and Jamaica’s first national hero, who died in 1940, remains one of his most enduring singles.

Nichelous worked hard to hone his craft and overcome his fear of performing in front of a live audience. He has performed on several shows all over the world, but prefers to perform at events with a cultural slant.

“I strive for a balance between work, family and music. As one gets older, it becomes more difficult to achieve that balance as time passes, so I tried to involve my wife and my kids in my music as much as possible so in that way we all spend time together,” he said.


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