How to: Clear your barrels

November 27, 2015
File A van is seen leaving the wharves with barrels of goods.

Between October and December, there is usually a notable influx of barrels to be cleared by Jamaica Customs Department. The types of barrels are classified as personal effects and commercial items. Clearing barrels can be a tedious experience if people are unfamiliar with the correct processes. Here are the necessary steps in clearing a barrel:

These are the following documents that are needed to clear your barrel:

1.The bill of laden/ airway, which should be collected from the shipping agent, freight forwarder or customs broker.

Valid identification - national ID, drivers' licence or passport.

Taxpayers' Registration Number (TRN).

2. These documents should

be presented to the port operator/warehouse keeper and pay handling and/or storage fee(s) where applicable.

3. If a C27 form (yellow form) is received at the airport, it should be taken along with your passport and Taxpayer Registration Number card to the customs supervisor at the berth or warehouse where the barrel is stored for verification.

4. The bill of laden, Customs Declaration (C86) and Customs Entry (C78X) should be taken to the Customs Manifest Area where the documents will be checked and verified by the customs manifest clerk.

5. All the documents should then be taken to the security personnel at the warehouse, where the barrel is stored. When the barrel is located it is then placed in the examination area. The barrel should not be opened until instructed by a customs officer.

6. The barrel will then be examined and the necessary duties applied. The flat rate on all barrels with personal effects is $6,500.00. Personal effects refer to items that will only be used by an individual or their household. This flat rate does not apply to barrels with items in commercial quantities (items for sale). The rate on a commercial barrel varies.

7. Upon payment to the customs cashier, a release form will be issued by the cashier, which is to be taken to the Port's Gate Office for a gate pass to be printed.

8. When clearing customs, it should be noted that making false declarations will result in a breach of Section 209 and 210 of the Customs Act. These breaches attract penalties and a possible forfeiture of goods

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