Shauna-Kay, Winston say 'I do'

February 20, 2016
George Henry Retired superintendent of police Rosalee McDonald-Barker (right) standing with her niece Shauna-Kay and husband Winston and his daughter Jaylanna Robb, as well as some members of the bridal party, for a picture moment.
George Henry Shauna-Kay and Winston posing for the cameras after leaving the church

The congregation was packed and colourful and the blend of colours contributed much to the ambience of the Sanguinetti New Testament Church of God in Clarendon, on the afternoon of Sunday, February 7. The occasion was the wedding of young couple Shauna-Kay McDonald and Winston Robb.

As with most weddings, the ceremony started late, but the wait was worth it for the scores of family members, friends and specially invited guests, who turned out to witness the holy matrimony between the two love birds.

Officiated by Bishop Dr Roy Owens, the ceremony, which was slated to commence at 2 p.m. got started at 3:15 p.m. when members of the bridal party started to march into the church.

The well-known wedding song, Oh Perfect Love, was sung immediately after giveaway father Glendon McDonald placed his daughter's hand into that of Robb, at 3:22 p.m., for the two to move to the altar and face the witty Bishop Owens.

Owens asked that if there was anyone who had reason(s) for Shauna-Kay and Winston not to be married to indicate immediately or forever hold their peace. After waiting for a minute, no one responded, allowing the wedding ceremony to proceed as planned.

Owens asked Winston if he would have Shauna-Kay to be his lawfully wedded wife, and within one second of being asked he said aloud, 'yes'. Shauna-Kay did not hesitate to say yes when she, too, was asked.

When asked who gave Shauna-Kay to be married to Winston, her parents, Glendon and Evadney McDonald, quickly and loudly, indicated that they did. By 3:42 the young couple was through repeating marriage vows and the rings asked for by Bishop Owens, who called on Bishop SO Taylor to dedicate them (rings). It did not take long for Shauna-Kay and Winston to place the beautiful rings on each other's fingers.

The bride and groom were then prayed for by Bishop Owens who then asked the congregation to join him in the Lord's Prayer; and by 3:51 p.m. the two were pronounced as Mr and Mrs Robb, to loud cheers from an appreciative audience.

The new husband was then asked to kiss his new wife in the public for the first time. It was then off to the specially prepared table for the signing of the marriage certificate, while a gospel group known as Gospel Blazers entertained the crowd with impressive singing.

In an address to the couple after the certificate signing, Bishop Owens encouraged them to always say I love you to each other; say you are mine; complement each other on how nice they look whenever they dress; tell each other thank you; you own my heart; ask how was your day; say please; excuse me; I am sorry, please, forgive me. He also told Shauna-Kay not to watch Winston, but to trust him.

Mr Robb was also told that he will never be able to pay Mrs Robb for all she will be doing at home. Owens also told him never to argue with her. The new wife and her husband, as well as the members of the bridal party, marched out of the church for their picture-taking moments, and the reception which was held at the Spalding High School.

In his reply at the reception, Mr Robb told the scores of guests that he will be doing all in his power to care for his wife as they live happily ever after.


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