Packed church tells Beverley Daley goodbye

March 05, 2016
George Henry Mourners taking a last look at the body of Beverley Daley, inside the Sanguinetti New Testament Church of God.

It was a packed Sanguinetti New Testament Church of God in Clarendon on Saturday, February 27, as scores of mourners braved showers to pay their last respects to late church woman Beverley Daley, who passed away on February 8.

Glowing tributes were paid to the deceased who spent many years at the church where her thanksgiving service was held.

In her tribute on behalf of the Sanguinetti New Testament Church, Winifred Davis, church clerk, said Daley was a long-standing member She described her as a dedicated and committed woman of God, a prayer mother and a human being who possessed a loving personality.

The church clerk impressed that Daley was a faithful servant of God who worshipped well in tithing and giving. "Even when she was ill that did not stop her from attending church and giving to the cause of God," said Davis.

Pastor Gwendolyn Edwards who said she knew Daley for many years, told the congregation that they shared a lot together. She noted that the deceased was always smiling; and that her children have lost a great mother.


Renford Farquharson, brother-in-law, said he had some great times with his late sister-in-law and that she was a great woman who was wonderful to be around. Farquharson shared that his late sister-in-law had an infectious smile, loved singing, and that she was very kind hearted.

Daley was eulogised as a woman who was always encouraging her children and others to aim for the best in life. She was also described as an individual who had a loving personality; one who loved to attend fasting and prayer services.

The late mother of seven was also eulogised as a loving woman to all her children, grand and great grand-children.

Daley, who was the only child for the late Leslie and Christina Simmonds, and who was born at Sanguinetti on November 9, 1942, has left behind to cherish her legacy, five children; 38 grandchildren; 40 great grandchildren; two sisters and a host of other relatives and friends.

Following the thanksgiving service her body was buried in her family plot at Sanguinetti.


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