Jahmario Gayle dedicated to God

April 02, 2016
George Henry Young mother Angolee Clarke holds her son Jahmario, while father Fitzroy Gayle (second left), grandfather Herbert Gayle (left) and a female god parent stand in support with officers from the church.
George Henry Young mother Angolee Clarke holds her son Jahmario, while father Fitzroy Gayle (second left), grandfather Herbert Gayle (left) and a female god parent stand in support with officers from the church.

Sunday March 6, 2016 will long be remembered by Fitzroy Gayle and Angolee Clarke of Fearon, Clarendon.

It was the day on which they brought their baby son Jahmario Gayle to the Sanguinetti New Testament Church of God to be christened.

With Angolee holding her son and Fitzroy and others standing with her in support, the two parents listened attentively to every word of instruction given by Bishop Donald Dawson, who presided over the sacred ceremony, which has been a tradition for centuries.

They were told in the presence of scores of worshippers that they should train Jahmario in the way he should go because when he gets old he will not depart from it.

Dawson reminded them that the family is a divine institution ordained and honoured by God since the beginning of time, and that children are a heritage of the Lord, given to parents for their care, protection and training for His glory.

"It is the duty of every parent to recognise this obligation and solemn responsibility to both God and the child in this matter. You need to recognise the sacredness of your charge and with all sincerity accept your responsibility for the nurture and admonition of your son in the way of righteousness and godliness," instructed Bishop Dawson.

Dawson advised the parents to provide a Christian home and a Godly environment for Jahmario, see to it that as soon as he is able to learn the Christian faith and the nature of Christian life, that he is trained to give reverend attendance to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures, and is led to the love of God.



"Please ensure that your home consists of a Godly environment. You might not be Christians, but there are certain principles for which you can stand where your home is concerned. Too many of our children today are growing up in war zones. Mothers and fathers quarrel and curse bad word, and in-laws come and join in, while they curse and quarrel around the children.

Teachers at schools are complaining that students are cursing bad words at school and behaving badly. Most times it is because of how parents behave at home," said the pastor.

The parents pledged to raise Jahmario in the fear of the Lord, lead him early to Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour, and set before him examples of a Godly and consistent life.

Reverend Dawson, in his prayer of dedication, called on God to cover Jahmario under His blood, protect him from every sickness and disease, and generational curse that might be passed on from members of his family, and that God will reverse everything bad that might want to come towards him.

"We curse madness, we curse sickness, we curse diseases, we curse ill health, and whatever the enemy would want to put upon this child, we curse them with the blood of Jesus Christ," prayed Bishop Dawson.

Jahmario, who weighed eight pounds when he was born at the Mandeville Hospital in Manchester, November 28, 2015, was the first baby to be christened at the Sanguinetti New Testament Church since the start of this year. Last year nine babies were christened at the church.

Feedback: pehenrya@hotmail.com

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