Alled phone thief remanded for trial
A man accused of stealing a cellular phone was further remanded when he appeared before the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court last Tuesday.
Charged with larceny from a dwelling is Shane Peddie.
Allegations are that on the day of the incident, the accused man reportedly stole a cellular phone, property of the female complainant, from a dwelling house in which it was being kept.
Peddie's attorney, however, offered a different explanation as to how the accused man came to have the device in his possession.
It is said that Peddie was walking along a footpath when he stumbled upon the phone and took it into his possession as he did not know who it belonged to.
This, however, did not sit well with presiding magistrate Simone Wolfe-Reece. "He could have taken it to the police station," the resident magistrate said.
Luckily for the complainant, the police were able to track the device to Peddie's exact location, which led to his capture.
Working alongside the police, the complainant tracked the device to a yard in which the accused man was seen. Upon seeing the lawmen, it is alleged that Peddie flung the device over a fence and attempted to make a hasty getaway. He was not so lucky. He was arrested and charged.
In court, the sitting magistrate ordered Peddie further remanded until February 3 when he is to return to court for a trial.