Noise from popular nightspot disturbing upscale neighbourhood
Some residents of the Liguanea, Hope Road area are blasting the Kingston & St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC) about the granting of a club licence to a popular nightspot, 100 Hope Road.
The residents claim that since the opening of the club last October they have had to put up with a noise nuisance.
Jeanette Calder, interim president of the Liguanea Community Development Committee, said KSAC should be blame for their predicament.
"The KSAC erred when in granting the club a licence because the area is not conducive to a club being so close to hundreds of dwellings with families," she told THE WEEKNED STAR.
very amenable
Calder said members of the community have met with the owners of popular night spot and have agreed to find ways to deal with the problem.
"We have met and will be meeting again as they have been very amenable since we approached them with our concerns," she explained.
But Calder is cautioning the KSAC against issuing similar licences to other establishments in the future.
"We want them to be more considerate of persons who live within the area. Although it is a multi-use area, it's difficult to ask residents to bear noise all night and early morning," she reasoned.
Adam Epstein, a principal of 100 Hope Road, said the management was aware of the complaints about the noise from the entertainment facility.
'As a responsible commercial operator, we recognize the importance of promptly and dynamically monitoring and responding to the concerns of community members. We have already initiated a number of measures to address the complaints as and when they are presented," he said.
Esptein also said that the facility has "substantially enhanced the livelihoods of the area's vendors and provides employment for scores of otherwise unemployed Jamaicans".