Woman's home torched hours after moving in

September 20, 2018
Firemen conduct cooling down operations at a burnt out house in Riverton earlier this month.

The past two years have not been easy for Nadine Grant.

Not only has the mother of two suffered three strokes less than a month ago; she also lost all of her belongings in a fire lit by thugs in Riverton City earlier this month.

She said she had relocated to Kingston following an altercation with family members.

"Mi did stress out bad because me feel a way to see say me family dem did a put me out and all carry me go court for me to leave the premises, and as a result, mi get three minor stroke, and for a while, me couldn't walk or talk. A five a we dem ask to leave, and all a we a family, and to see say things reach deh so ..." she said.

She decided to move to Kingston after she began to feel better, but things went even further downhill just hours after she moved in.

"Some loud noise weh sound like shot wake me out a me sleep, but a never shot, a the door a kick in, and me get flat on the floor," she said.

Grant told THE STAR that a group of gunmen had entered her new home, and she tearfully told them that she had just moved in the community.

They ran her out of the house and then burned it down.

"Mi really don't know why the house burn down because me was a stranger there, but me lose everything - birth papers, ID, and every piece a furniture me own. Thank God me son did deh country so him never get to experience it, but right now, me just really depressed and would appreciate anything that I can get," she said.

Currently staying with a friend in Portmore, St Catherine, Grant said she is seeking assistance and a job to get back on her feet again.

In addition to a home, Grant said she is in need of clothing and food items.

"I am still on medication, but me willing to go out there go work, so anyone who can even give or help me get a job, me would a glad. Mi get a likkle piece a land in a next parish and me wa build on it," she said. "God know it rough ya now and tings reach me, but as long as me have life, things a go get better. Me just need a start again."

Persons wishing to contact Nadine Grant may do so at 876 571- 7832.

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