St Bess fires cost brigade big in February

March 27, 2019

The Elizabeth Fire Department saw an increase in calls last month when compared to January.

The department responded to 104 calls during February, which cost them $325,624.40 for fuel and lubricant.

Some 1,908-litre of fuel was used for 4,065 kilometres of travel.

The department received fewer calls in January, which cost them more than $100,000 less; the cost for January was $203,315.71.

According to data presented at this month's St Elizabeth Municipal Corporation monthly meeting, the fire department received 84 genuine calls, of which 10 were special services.

Eight calls were malicious or false alarms. False alarm with good intent accounted for the other two.

The fire department also listed damaged properties and gave an estimated loss. A house in Lacovia carried the most significant loss, estimated to be $5 million.

The other major losses, based on estimates, were a house in Sea Air, at $4 million; and a building in Alpart, at $3 million.

The St Elizabeth Fire Department also reported that they continue to work on fire prevention.

According to the report, they continue to "sensitise and educate the public about the potential dangers, use of fire, and how to safeguard themselves and their properties by adapting good fire-safety and protection principles."

Inspection of premises, building plan approval, lectures, fire drills, safety-monitor training, and certification of buildings were some of the fire-prevention measures carried out during February.

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