Cop suffers burns while testing rum
A member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force has been hospitalised after he was burned while attempting to test what is believed to be denatured rum.
This rum is not suitable for consumption. The incident occurred about 9:20 a.m. on Tuesday in the Innswood area, near Old Harbour Road in St Catherine.
The constable, who is attached to the Spanish Town Police Station, reportedly intercepted a Toyota Probox motor car. The cop checked the vehicle and observed it was carrying five buckets of a liquid substance. The policeman took out a bottle of the liquid and, in an attempt to test its contents, flicked his cigarette lighter. The bottle exploded and fire engulfed the policeman's face. He managed to reach the Spanish Town Hospital where he was admitted. He has since been transferred to the Kingston Public Hospital.
The news team was informed that the Innswood area is known for the production, transportation and selling of denatured rum, which is used as rubbing alcohol. The news team also understands that the people transporting the rum provided the proper receipts for the items.