Di Cawna Library enriching minds in Rose Town

July 03, 2024
Di Cawna Library in Rose Town.
Di Cawna Library in Rose Town.
Romeo Carter wants to establish a homework centre in addition to the library.
Romeo Carter wants to establish a homework centre in addition to the library.
Some of the books in Di Cawna Library in Rose Town, St Andrew.
Some of the books in Di Cawna Library in Rose Town, St Andrew.

Romeo Carter, the conceptualiser of a roadside library in his community of Rose Town, St Andrew, is fervent in his efforts to improve community literacy and to bring substance to the inner-city community.

The 52-year-old is hoping that his brainchild, Di Cawna Library, will receive corporate sponsorship and greater public sector support to improve the quality of the literacy project.

"Me need it fi look better; I need more books. I want more for the community," Carter pleaded. Di Cawna Library was started in March 2023 by Carter, who explained that he saw a need to curb idling by the youth in the community.

"The yute dem did leggo too much and nuff yute when dem get dem homework, dem nah stay inside and do it. Nuff yute, dem nuh have nobody fi help dem wid dem homework, so me consider having Di Cawna Library. So even if dem outside a play, dem can study at the same time and somebody can help them," he said. Di Cawna Library is not your typical library. Persons can just come up to one of the 'book cases', choose a book and take it with them. Carter supervises the process. Carter, who is a tailor by profession, added that his son has benefited from his project, as he secured his spot at the St Andrew Technical High School in this year's sitting of the Primary Exit Profile examinations.

"This is my way of helping the community improve," he said.

Carter, who has been living in the St Andrew South community since birth, is hoping to construct a homework centre equipped with a blackboard. He is also hoping to have teachers assist with assignments and tutoring after school hours.

"I want to even have summer class to help them prepare for back-to-school and I want to teach them some form of skill, so I would love to have HEART Trust a part of it. I have the ideas, I just need the help," Carter told THE STAR.

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