Craig Town grateful for peace following curfew
If residents of Craig Town had their way, a constant police presence would be maintained in their community.
"A the best we ever feel round here. The police dem do them patrol, and by 11 p.m., we affi lock up we business . But we can work with that because we feel likkle better with them inna the place," one resident explained. The West Kingston community was placed under curfew on July 29, following a wave of violence that left the area unstable. Head of the Kingston Western Police Division, Superintendent Michael Phipps, indicated that the security measure, which ended on August 5, has yielded success.
"The curfew allowed us to target some persons of interest and to conduct operations. We recovered a high-powered rifle and we have had discussions with persons who have indicated their intention to continue to work with the police," the senior police told the news team. Residents have stressed that the community is tired of the ongoing turf war that has left many dead.
"I think dem [the community] just tired of it. Dem want go party, dem want go out and have a drink at a bar and see naked girl go tip. We nuh want stay behind a nuh gate nuh more and affi a beg people fi go shop. We tired a the belly ache and the bawling now," the resident expressed.
"Me have my shop and other people have dem business. With the war, we can't make nuh money fi provide for our family. So if the police dem inna the place, we can get a likkle food fi eat. Tired a it [violence] now," the resident shared further:
Phipps added that with support of the Jamaica Defence Force and specialised operations teams, his team is equipped "with adequate resources to do what we need to do to ensure safety."
"We will continue to do what we have to catch the perpetrators. We are going to continue with our patrols," Phipps said.