New homes for Christmas - Seniors get proper dwellings to end the year
While most persons' Christmas gifts are wrapped and tucked under a tree, two inner-city families have unwrapped brand new furnished houses for their presents.
Eleanor Whyte and Carmen Maxwell, who reside on Benbow Street and Septimus Street, respectively, said their prayers have been answered.
"It is a joyful feeling. The Lord has made it possible for us to get the house right in time for Christmas and mi just really happy. It's like mi lost for words, I don't even know what to say. This is going to be a very different Christmas because we in a new house. We just going to cook and give God thanks for all of this," Whyte said.
The two houses, which were handed over by Local Government Minister Desmond McKenzie, were constructed under the ministry's Indigent Housing Programme, which was designed to address the housing difficulties faced by the poor and most vulnerable. Whyte described her previous living conditions as "bad".
"We house a did board and we have to keep patching up the outside, but when rain it was still a problem. Six of us live in a big bedroom and it hold two queen-size bed and a small one. It did cramp up, man," she said.
Whyte said they did not have running water inside the house, and as a result, they had to take turns bathing in the yard. She said it was an awkward meeting with current Opposition Leader Mark Golding that contributed to her having the keys to her own house.
"One day Mr Golding was touring the area, and one of my daughters was bathing in the yard and he didn't know. When he pushed the gate, he apologised and hid his face, and she run and put on her towel. It was about six years ago, and he tell mi say him a go help mi with a house after him look around and see the condition," she said.
She said after a few years, she decided to use sheets of ply to repair the house, but about two years ago she received long-awaited news.
"To be honest also, I had no problem waiting, because I was living in the board house all this time and I know there are people out there who more needy than me. In May of this year, dem start build it, and mi just pray and give God thanks for the blessing," she said.
Whyte officially moved into her two-bedroom house last week, a day after the official handover ceremony was held.
"Mi never sleep, eno, mi just walk 'round a inspect the house. Every minute mi go inna the bathroom and test di doors and windows. Mi say time is the master of everything," she said.
Over on Septimus Street, Maxwell and her family were moving in her furniture when THE STAR caught up with her. She said this has been her best Christmas present ever.
"Monday mi see the furniture dem a move in. The house come right in time for Christmas, and my birthday is in January. This is a nice gift, man, God give mi sumpn. Bare blessings in front of mi from mi baptise. All of this just come in like a joy, and when mi see inside the house, mi just cry out to Jesus. Mi a thank everybody who help mi out and make all of this possible. Mi happy," Maxwell said.
The senior citizen said the two-bedroom concrete structure is a massive upgrade from the family's previous dwelling. She said she will be sharing her new space with three of her grandchildren.
"When dem start build, mi end up move and go live in a rent house. The Poor Relief Department pay the rent for me. Inna May, dem start build the house, and every day mi sit across the road from where the house is and look. Mi pray to God for this, eno, and den dem start work. Mi say, 'Yes, mi a go get it before Christmas', and in September mi see dem done it and start paint," she said.