Beachgoers urged to be vigilant during crocodile nesting season

March 24, 2025
Founder and Administrator at the Holland Bay Crocodile Sanctuary, Lawrence Henriques (left), inspects this two-year-old crocodile during a media tour of the facility recently. Looking on is Hope Zoo's Joseph “Joey” Brown.
Founder and Administrator at the Holland Bay Crocodile Sanctuary, Lawrence Henriques (left), inspects this two-year-old crocodile during a media tour of the facility recently. Looking on is Hope Zoo's Joseph “Joey” Brown.

Beachgoers are being urged to exercise vigilance during the crocodile nesting season, which lasts from November to June.

Founder and Administrator of the Holland Bay Crocodile Sanctuary in St Thomas, Lawrence Henriques, informed that during this period, female crocodiles are protective of their nests.

"The thing with crocodiles is, know your seasons. Know that November to June is the nesting period, which is reproduction, gestation of the eggs, laying of the eggs, incubation of the eggs in the ground for three months [and] some hatching around the end of May to June," Henriques explained.

He was speaking to journalists during a recent media tour of the Sanctuary, organised by the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA).

"If you do meet up with a crocodile... if you happen to be walking along the beach and you're walking near the edge of the beach towards the land, especially if there is water behind like in the bushes or the mangroves, then always be vigilant because female crocodiles are not going to normally nest in an area far away from a water source," Henriques said.

He pointed out that this occurrence "happens a lot" in St Elizabeth along Jamaica's southern coastline, and in some cases there may be signs that indicate a crocodile has nested.

"You can even see tracks sometimes. You look around, you'll see track marks sometimes, and if you see something like a mound or a disturbed area, give it a little wide berth, because the female may be close by and you don't want to be surprised by her," Henriques said.

"Some won't do much, but one or two might actually come towards you and the best thing to do in that type of situation is politely turn around and discreetly go the other way," he added.


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