Cavalier chasing history

May 16, 2023
Rudolph Speid
Rudolph Speid

Cavalier's march towards a domestic double this season is not just to add to their legacy, but, according to Technical Director Rudolph Speid, to match the achievements of their women's team in a year where they reached the finals of both the knockout and the league competitions.

Cavalier have gained a first-round bye in the Jamaica Premier League (JPL) playoffs and hold a 1-0 lead over Dunbeholden in their Lynk Cup semi-final series in a season in which they have evolved and kept their ethos of youth development.

Cavalier women have set the tone for the men to follow, although they lost to Frazsiers Whip in Saturday's final, but the milestone, according to Speid, has fuelled the men.

"There is some professional jealousy going on now because the boys will have to do the same. It's a feat that we must mention because I don't think any club in Jamaica has done that before, reach the finals of all major competitions in the island," Speid said.

That piece of history is something that Cavalier is hoping to make over the next few weeks as the title charge continues on all fronts.

"It would be unprecedented, so yes, we are going for it and hope it can happen. It is a target that we want to aim for," Speid said.

Cavalier kept their ethos of youth development in their rebuild this season and while they have lost Dwayne Atkinson, a vital member of their attack as well as Richard King to moves to Iceland, Speid says he believes in what they can achieve, although several players are untested at the playoffs level.

"We only have five players who played in the playoffs last year still playing for Cavalier. So it is a whole rebuilding process. One of the things we have is that we are not so sure how they will hold up in the playoffs because it is a big man's game, but the feeling is great," Speid said. "We are not worried about that. Every opponent that comes, we will deal with them as the case may be."

Cavalier will face Dunbeholden in Friday's return Lynk Cup semi-final before getting their JPL playoffs under way in the JPL semi-final round.

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