She teases me because I can't get her pregnant!


November 16, 2015

Dear Pastor,

I am 33 and having a problem. I am living with a woman and she is always mocking me and telling me that I am not much of a man. She has a child. She is working at a hotel and I am working with the government. I love this woman so much. Her child's father comes to the gate to pick her up. I know him. Because we are living together, he does not come in. The girl goes out to meet him. I told her mother that he can come in the yard for the child, but he doesn't.

I got to find out that he questions the little girl about me and he asked her if I have ever fondled her or molested her in any way. He told her that she should not call me daddy because he is her only father. My girlfriend spoke to him and told him not to question the girl about me. I find myself hating the little girl because of her father. My mother told me that I should treat the girl well, so I try my best not to rough her up; but I don't ask her any question about her father.

nothing is happening

When he comes to the gate, she is always ready to go out with him. I am longing to get my girlfriend pregnant but nothing is happening, so she laughs at me and says I am no good. We don't use any form of birth control. She said that my gun is shooting blanks. When I told her that she must stop saying these things, she said she was only joking, but I know she meant it because I can't get her pregnant.

I grew up in the Church. I don't run around. I know that I have had relationships with a few girls, but it has always been a secret. Pastor, tell me if I am wrong. I am thinking of leaving this woman because of her attitude towards me. She mocks me so much that there are times I cannot even have a good erection because I am so nervous. When I met her she did not want to get pregnant, so she was on the pill. She has stopped using the pill and is now willing to get pregnant.

The house that we are living in is mine. I used to love her and care for her, but my mind has changed from her. I am not blaming her for my problems. I know something is wrong with me. I would like to have my own child. Her child has her father. I want a child of my own, but I am not interested in my girlfriend getting pregnant for me anymore.


Dear H.S.,

I suggest that you end the relationship with this woman. You mean her well, but I am not sure that she means you well. The truth is that you are not happy with her. She has her child. You accepted the child. You had no problem, but her father is suspicious of you and is questioning his daughter about your character. And now the mother is laughing at you and saying that you are shooting blanks.

You are not going to be happy with this woman. You may pretend that you are. Even if you go to counselling, it would always be in your mind that this woman does not fully love you. So, my brother, end the relationship. Let her go her way in peace.


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