Long-distance relationship is not working

May 14, 2020

Dear Pastor,

I hope when these line reaches you, they may find you in good health. I hope that you would also take very good care of yourself. I am trying to take good care of myself every day.

I am having a problem. My mind is confused. I am in love with a man who is not in Jamaica at the moment. He used to call me every night. Sometimes we would be talking and I fall asleep.

Sometimes we engage in phone sex, but I am tired of that now. I bought a vibrator and I am getting tired of that too.

This man is not giving me any positive word when he is coming back to Jamaica. I have never gone with another man, but there is someone who is waiting on me to give him the opportunity to come into my life.

I like him but I prefer my boyfriend who is living abroad. Pastor, I am so confused, help me to make a decision.


Dear Y.T.,

Your boyfriend should not expect you to wait on him without giving you a firm commitment and to tell you when he will return to Jamaica and marry you. You did not say how long both of you have been going together.

He should not take you for granted. You should let him know that you would end the relationship with him unless he gives you the assurance that he will come back to Jamaica at such and such time and marry you.


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