Wild West rhythm shoots out!
Wild West rhythm shoots out!
The streets are talking about producer DJ Frass' latest project, the menacing 'Wild West' rhythm. Disc jockeys have the rhythm in heavy rotation and, by all indications, DJ Frass Records has yet another hit project on its hands for the last quarter.
Innovata is staking his place in the dancehall space with his lip-smacking verbal gymnastics and made-up words on Mi No Fraida People. He generates menace on this track, delivering a decent sing-a-long hook teenyboppers will love.
One of the standout songs on the rhythm is Alkaline's, Object Bingo. His song seems to be some sort of code for a successful assassination. He describes a hit carried out by a man carrying a gun in a 'box lunch'. The song is executed with clarity and metaphors.
While others concentrate on war, Mavado focusses on money with Money Ah Di Right Ting. Mavado has an uncanny knack for delivering melodies and hooks that capture the imagination of dancehall. He has proven to be an artiste whose voice gains force and resonance as he grows older.
Gullyside artiste 3 Star impresses with Yu Zimi, unleashing an armada of gut-punching with this dancehall gem. He uses an innovative way of talking about guns and bragged that he has a "browning weh ugly like Jimmy/sexy K look better inna mini".
One of the revelations on the rhythm, No Try by Spookie. One to watch for the future, this artiste has smooth vocals which resonate in his song.
The rhythm will be available on iTunes on Friday.