Keibo pushing ‘Unification’ in Clarendon

May 08, 2019

Music is a powerful tool which can reshape the mind, and artiste Keibo is hoping to use his song Unification to do just that for Clarendon.

Living in the volatile area of Toll Gate, which has had more than its fair share of violence, the singer told CENTRAL STAR that his dream is to see the community return to the good old days of peace and love.

" What's the price for peace when the cost of justice increase? How many more lives will we sacrifice for the minority?" he chants.

The singer expressed concern about escalating crime in the parish, even amidst the social programmes that were implemented to bring about positive change.

He reasoned that maybe the approach is to use the 'universal language' to connect with the masses.

"Some artistes say songs don't influence, but I don't believe it. As artistes, I think we should be careful about the songs we record. We have a social responsibility to influence the minds of our youths through positive songs," he said. "Music is a powerful tool ... when I think about Bob Marley, and others. Look at Peter Tosh ... who would have thought that his song Legalise It would prove prophetic."

Acknowledging that while his name may not yet be known nationally by everyone, he said that if he can influence those in his community to make a positive change, it's a huge start.

Keibo, who has performed at numerous community events in the parish, is now looking to take his career to the next level.

He has performed in the Caribbean and is excited about upcoming gigs he has confirmed in Kingston.

He is booked to be a guest artiste on the Canadian Women's Club Fashion Show on May 26, as well as the Heather Laine's Mother's Day Brunch and Fashion Show this week.

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