The Lennon High School located in Mocho, Clarendon, is one that has quite a reputation for its remarkable agricultural programme. This time, however, the school has received some negative attention as a result of a video showing a student being involved in a physical altercation with a policewoman.
Reports reaching THE STAR are that, sometime last week, the uniformed student was among a group when things got physical after a presumably insolent student got into an altercation with a uniformed female police officer who reprimanded her.
The two-minute long tape, which has now gone viral and making the rounds on Facebook, depicts a female student of the Lennon High School being briskly ushered away by the cop. In addition to resisting, the student took a swing at the officer, who subsequently pulled her baton and attempted to subdue the rowdy teenager. Onlookers could also be heard expressing their discontent with the officer's apparent use of force.
When contacted, principal of the school, Dr Donald Johnson, said he is aware of the video's existence.
"We got some details, but we have yet to really find out what exactly has happened. We are investigating," he said.
It was unclear as to whether any disciplinary action has been taken against the student.
When THE STAR contacted the Mocho police, they said that while they are unable to provide much details surrounding the incident, the matter is currently under investigation.
But the video also got quite a bit of feedback online, with persons chastising the student for her actions.
"How dare she insult the officer's authority? Did you all not see that she hit the officer first?," commented one user.
Another wrote: "The police should have broken something on her, so she remember it for the rest of her life."