Mom blasts school after girl's poor GSAT grades
An enraged mother left students and teachers of a school in Manchester in shock yesterday when she visited the institution and accused members of the administration of rigging the results of the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT).
According to a member of the school's administration, the woman turned up at the school accusing a teacher of changing her daughter's grades, resulting in the child being placed in a non-traditional high school. "The mother was cursing and said the teacher had gone to Kingston and gone to ministry [of education] to change her grade," the teacher shared.
Students who sat GSAT in March were yesterday told their scores and assigned to spaces in secondary schools. The students with the better grades have been placed in schools of their choice, while those who performed poorly were placed in lesser-fancied schools.
re-sit exams
THE STAR was told that an elder brother of the child, who has been assigned a space in a lowly ranked St Elizabeth secondary school, also visited the school yesterday with his own demands.
"He was demanding that she resit the exams and said her father was rich and would carry a lawyer so she can do over the exam," said a teacher who had witnessed the incident.
After the student's brother was turned away by the school's administration, the mother showed up, blazing a litany of accusations. The principal of the school said the mother turned up at her house the night before with a mountain of accusations about her daughter's results. "She accused the teacher and principal of having a personal vendetta against her daughter when she visited my house," said the principal.
THE STAR was told that the police were called in by concerned members of the community who heard the woman's uproar. However, the woman reportedly left the school's premises before the police arrived.