Tavar Matthews proved his doubters wrong

November 15, 2018
Tavar Matthews

When Tavar Matthews was younger, someone told him that he would not be successful at anything, and he would grow up to be worthless. He said those words motivated him to work hard and to prove everyone around him that he can be the best.

"My childhood was very lonely and I felt like an outcast. I felt very bad because people called me dunce. I passed for a junior high school, and one person bet me that I would amount to nothing in life and I said, okay, let's bet," he said.

As his peers moved from primary on to high schools after Grade Six Assessment Test, Matthews had to condition his mind to continue and persevere as he moved to on to Highgate Primary and Junior High School. Matthews said that he was given leadership positions, which enabled him to build his self-confidence. The youngster soon moved on to St Mary High, where he earned eight CAPE subjects.

After high school, Matthews decided to enrol at the University of Technology (UTech), where he earned his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. He, however, said that life was no bed of roses for him, as he experienced depression and had to be treated.




"While going through depression, I had this zeal to change the lives of others and I started a T-shirt line to encourage people through what they wear. One of the things I realised, while going through depression, was that it blurs your vision and it tells you that you can't come out of it. So when I got out, I decided that I can help people by doing this," he said.

Matthews, who graduated from UTech earlier this month, is hoping that his story can help other persons to believe in themselves and to prove doubters wrong.

"I decided to do motivational talks to people, because I realise that others are suffering in the same way. Last year, I started by doing a treat in my community in Zion Hill, St Mary, and we want to do the same thing this year in December," he said.

"I would like it if people would donate so we can give back to the people in the country," he added.

Tavar Matthews may be contacted at 876-852-9304.

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