St Catherine school fills mind and bellies with ‘Heroes Day breakfast’
Last Friday, parents and guardians turned out at the Homestead Primary School in St Catherine to celebrate a Heritage Day with a difference.
The occasion saw everyone partaking of the school's 'Heroes Day breakfast', which saw the presentation of various Jamaican dishes usually associated with the first meal of the day.
"We wanted to keep the theme alive and educate the children on how the local gourmet dishes form a special part of their development," guidance counsellor Monique Minto said.
There was an abundance of Jamaica cuisine such as ackee and salt fish, mackerel rundown, callaloo and salt fish, as well as stewed and curried chicken. These were accompanied by boiled dumplings, bananas and yams, along with sweet potatoes and salt fish fritters.
For those with a sweet tooth, an assortment of puddings, including potato and cornmeal, as well as coconut drops and coconut cakes were on show. The students wore bandanas and the national colours, while engaging their taste buds on the offerings. One parent, Mavis Cohen, expressed delight that her son was exposed to the different dishes that have become Jamaican staples.
"At a time when there is so much distraction, exercises like these keep them grounded culturally and otherwise," she said. In addition to the food, the students were kept engaged with the 'heritage corner' where several artefacts were on display.
"There is the need to have rounded students, therefore we show them the past to cement the theme 'Reigniting a Nation for Greatness'. The students were taken to a classroom where they were allowed to watch a film on Jamaica 60 celebrations," said Sophia Deer, the school's principal. "The aim is to have them see the growth of their country over the last six decades."
Heritage Day is an annual activity held in primary schools to showcase the nation's history and achievements.
Many of those in attendance said that the breakfast was a novel and effective method that will help the children to learn about their history.