St Catherine cashier implicated in over $2m theft granted bail

February 21, 2024

A St Catherine cashier who is being accused of stealing $2.6 million from her employer, was granted bail when she appeared in the parish court on Tuesday. 

The woman has been identified as Stacey-Ann Davidson, and is answering to charges of larceny as a servant. 

It is alleged that on December 24, 2023, Davidson, who was employed as a cashier to sell on a Supreme Venture contracted machine, failed to deposit monies while on her duty.

She later called the complainant and told her that she failed in her responsibility, but will repay her. An arrangement was made, and failure to honour same resulted in a report been made.

Davidson was subsequently arrested and later charged. 

When she appeared before Senior Parish Court judge Yvette Wenthworth-Miller, she was granted bail in  sum of $800,000.

The accused's lawyer told the court that her is not a flight-risk and will turn up for her obligation. However, Davidson is to report to the Ewarton police three times weekly.

Her next court date is on May 7, 2024.

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