Call centre worker steals colleague’s money because of drugs

April 30, 2024

A 36-year-old call centre operator was freed of criminal charges after he admitted that drugs caused him to steal his co-worker's money.

"I am going to admonish and discharge you. Stay away from drugs, it obviously impairs your judgement," Senior Parish Judge Sanchia Burrell told Anthony Russell, who pleaded guilty to simple larceny. It was shared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Monday that Russell was seen on closed circuit footage taking $2,300 from his co-worker's bag. The complainant's bag was stored in a locker, provided by their employer.

"I guess it was just dishonesty," Russell told the senior jurist when asked the reason for stealing monies from his co-worker.

"I was in a situation and I am just asking for the highest level of leniency and I will never let it happen again," he added. "What were you going through at the time?" the judge quizzed.

"I was smoking at that time," he responded.

"But I had time for self-realisation and I spent some time in Half-Way Tree lock-up and I did some reflection," Russell said.

"I am glad you had that experience," Burrell said, before withdrawing the matter against him.

- T.T.

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