‘300-year-old’ man stuns court

November 26, 2024

A man who identified himself as 'Florence Nightingale' stunned the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Monday when he declared that he not only shares a name with the famed British nurse, but is also 300 years old.

The accused, who is charged with unlawful possession of property, was detained at the Half-Way Tree Police Station lockup before being brought to court. When asked to state his name, the man confidently replied, "Florence Nightingale," prompting raised eyebrows from presiding Senior Parish Judge Sanchia Burrell.

"Sir, you lock up Florence Nightingale? That's a very important person," Burrell sarcastically remarked.

The real Florence Nightingale, born on May 12, 1820, in Florence, Italy, and widely recognised as the founder of modern nursing, died on August 13, 1910, in London. She is known for her pioneering work during the Crimean War.

Burrell probed the accused further, asking if the man's name was genuine or merely invented for his interactions with law enforcement.

"Is this name I have from birth, Your Honour," the accused insisted.

The laughter in the courtroom increased when the man claimed he was centuries old. Burrell, assessing the situation, stated, "In 300 years you go to the doctor? Bellevue?" To both questions, the man answered yes. The prosecutor added another peculiar detail, pointing out "he says he is from foreign".

Acknowledging the strange nature of the case, Burrell ordered the accused to undergo medical evaluation and psychiatric treatment. He is set to return to court on January 8, 2025.

As the case proceedings concluded, murmurs filled the room, with many spectators openly questioning if the police didn't see the name as a red flag.

"Imagine locking up Florence Nightingale," one person stated.

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