I do not trust my woman!
Dear Pastor,
I am 30 and living with a woman but I do not trust her. I am a security guard and sometimes I work at nights and my woman would leave the house and say she is going to her mother but when I contact the mother she tells me that she hasn't seen her. What I found out is that she would drop in to see the mother before the evening is finished and she would not spend any time. She would go about her business. I try to support her but everything her friends have she wants. Everywhere she goes to work they don't keep her. She is very inquisitive and knows everybody's business. She has some friends and they are leading her down the wrong path. I cannot live any longer with her. She promised to destroy me by reporting me to my boss. I did something wrong at the workplace and I told her about it so she is using that as a threat. I cannot afford to lose my job. I am asking you for your advice.
Dear Y.S.,
I don't know what offence you committed at your workplace but evidently it is something bad and you told your girlfriend about it. Perhaps what you should do if you seriously want to end the relationship with her is to try and let those at your workplace know what wrong you committed. You are scared that you may lose your job if they were to know but perhaps not. Go in to the boss and tell him or her what happened and tell them the reason why you did it and did not say anything about it. If you stole something, be willing to make restitution. Don't allow this woman to use what you have done to blackmail you. You cannot trust her; therefore, this relationship has to come to an end.