Need my mom to get a job


January 05, 2016

Dear Pastor,

I am 15 and from Manchester. I am living with my mother. She is a single parent, who can hardly maintain herself and I.

I haven't heard from my father in a long while. He does not help my mother with me. I am in high school.

Since I was born, until now, I don't know what a father's love feels like. I am doing well in school and my mother is proud of me. I need help, pastor. My mother is unemployed and can hardly take care of me. I am stressed out, just seeing what my mom has to do to send me to school and to provide dinner. It is so hard on her.

She cannot do hard work because she is sick with her shoulders. My mom tries to be independent but she can't make it. The good thing about it is that we are living in our own house but she struggles to pay her bills.

I have to use my phone light to do home work and take water from the crossroad.

My mom will do anything. I am asking you please to help my mom in getting a job. I am tired of seeing her like this. My mom is always at parents-teachers meetings but I think my friends talk about her behind my back.

In my sight, she is a beautiful woman but she looks so stressed. I will be looking forward for your answer


Dear G.C.,

I am happy to know your mother is doing her best to work and support you. May the Good Lord bless her and I hope you would always be proud of her.

You did not say how old she is and what type of work she can do. Perhaps you may want to drop me an email to let me know what she would like to do. Your mother should seriously consider taking your father to Family Court for child support.


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