Life has been hell since my parents broke up

July 05, 2024

Dear Pastor,

This is my first time writing to you but I have always read your column. I don't wish to say my age, but I am in my teens.

When I was growing up, I lived a nice life with my family. My father had a lot of money and he used to spend it all on me. My mother was a very intelligent woman. Both of my parents should have become rich and successful. After my sister came in the year 2014, she got treated well.

Unfortunately, in 2018, my parents had a disagreement which caused their break-up. I'm not sure if they had got a divorce or not, but my mother took it to court. My father had to give my mother money every three to four months for child support. He ended up losing everything. He had many assets but they were all taken away. He had to struggle to make money. He nearly got himself thrown in prison because he didn't have $4,000 more in court.

As for my mother, she doesn't make a lot of money either. My sister who is in primary school recently did PEP and she had to study hard to pass for a good school while I am in high school. I have it really hard. I'm an athletic person and I can play sports very well. I love to write songs, poems, plays and stories. I plan on making movies and games on Playstore. I also love to play video games. I am doing well on my studies but this is too much pressure for me.

My mother, father and grandparents have houses. My sister and I stay at our grandparents' house. My grandmother has it very hard because she was the only one giving my sister and I money to go to school since last October. She also bought us snacks and lunch. She has become ill now and I feel very worried. She often talked about my worthless mother not giving us money to go to school, and my father owing her money for my sister's books. This put a lot of pressure on me to do well in school and to get a job to help my parents. I am the oldest child and I understand everything that's happening around me. It's summer time now and I wanted to leave the house and enjoy my life. I can't stay locked up in a house not having anything to do. I want to do well in life but I just don't know how.


Dear S.E.,

May I suggest that you ask your father to help you to get a summer job? If you attend church, you should probably ask the minister of your church to assist you.

Some companies employ young people for the summer. It is their way of helping the youth to earn enough to support themselves and to buy some of the things that are necessary for them to return to school. You should look in The Sunday Gleaner and take note of the companies that are advertising for help. Try and contact insurance companies or the banks. They may be willing to employ you even for a few weeks.

I am sorry to hear that your parents are not getting along with each other. It is really unfortunate that your father has to be taken to court for child support. Please do not take sides. Love your father anyway and have the same love for your mother. Thank God for your grandmother who has been of great help to you. I pray that she would continue to do so and that God will restore her health.

Concentrate on your lessons; don't waste time in school. God is able to help you accomplish your goals.


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