Girlfriend insists that she needs bigger breasts
Dear Pastor,
I am a 30-year-old man and I have a girlfriend. She has small breasts. Her chest looks very flat, but that does not bother me. One night we were playing together in bed and she asked me whether I would consider helping her to pay a surgeon to get breast implants. I didn't understand what she was saying, so she said that she would love to have bigger breasts because she admires some of her friends who have large breasts.
I told her that I accept her the way she is and I would consider her spending money to get bigger breasts as a waste of money. She got up and turned on the lights and went before the mirror and asked me if I cannot see that they are too small. I told her no, they are not too small; that is the size she got from the Maker. She wasn't pleased. But the reason why I am writing to you is because she has not accepted what I told her and she has asked me again. My girlfriend is 25 years old and she has told me that whether I help her or not, she is going to do a breast enhancement. She said that one of her cousins told her that it can be done in Florida.
My girlfriend does not have any children. I have two children with two different women, but I wanted to settle down with my present girlfriend. I can't understand why she is making her breasts a problem and when we became lovers it was not an issue.
Please give me your advice.
Dear W.J.,
Your woman should accept what you told her. It has not affected the relationship that both of you have developed.
On the other hand, she is aware that some men are attracted to women with large breasts. Women consider themselves to be beautiful if they have reasonable sized breasts. It is a symbol of femininity. That is why women with very small breasts buy padded brassieres, ones that will give the impression that they have large breasts. However, if the truth is told, many women who are models do not have large breasts. They are flat-chested.
Do not fight your girlfriend. If she wants to spend money to have her breasts enlarged, let her have her way. But you do not have to give her money for such an operation. You have already told her that you accept her the way she is. The money that this woman would spend on her breasts could be spent on a home or some type of investment. On the other hand, she sees having larger breasts as making an improvement to herself. I have been told that some women with large breasts suffer from backaches and they do not practise proper posture.
I hope that your girlfriend will get proper advice from whichever surgeon would do the surgery on her. I repeat, don't fight your girlfriend over this matter; it's her body.