Aspiring lawyer needs money to attend college

April 26, 2019
Tamoy Campbell
Tamoy Campbell

At an early age, Tamoy Campbell had a list of careers she wanted to pursue. Even though law was not at the top of the list, as she grew older, she realised that she was destined for this profession.

Described as someone who can argue her way out of any situation, Campbell said that people started to encourage her to take that career path.

"The passion for law evolved when I started to watch CSI and when my mother said that I talk a lot because they say lawyers love to talk," she laughed. "But, most importantly, I love to help people. I am very argumentative, and I realised that I could swing an argument so much that I could get my own way, and I realised that I could defend someone else who could not do that, whether another person thought they were wrong or not."

Campbell idolises persons such as Nelson Mandela and Benazir Bhutto.

She said she realised that their existence was based on law and that they became influential people who were able to make a positive impact and inspire change through the legal profession, which is something she would love to do.

"I said to myself, 'Why not be in a position where I can affect something that is so profound and radical that this generation and the next will have a better life?' I believe in living not just for myself but for everybody and creating the world in a way that it will be better than how I came and saw it," she said. "I think understanding the legal system will help you to channel all of that positivity and create something, instead of just sitting down on the side and complaining about things. Why not take action and go in a discipline that gives you the platform to create the society you want to see?"

Despite her passion, there is a hindrance to her plan as her family is unable to accumulate the money needed to fulfil her dream.

She said that she applied to five colleges in the United Kingdom and got accepted to four, but she has not secured a scholarship.

Campbell, who got accepted to the University of York, the University of Sussex, Birmingham City University and the University of West England Bristol, said that she would like some help from the public to make her dream come true.

"It is very pricey because I am an international student, and the price of each school varies from PS12,000 to PS17,120 (approximately J$2 million to $3 million)," she said.

Campbell said that her mother, while happy for her, is saddened that she is not able to help, hence her plea to the public.

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