Cabbies profit from election activities

February 26, 2024
For the day, taxi operators serving as runners are being paid between $10,000 and $20,000 plus a full tank of gas. - Livern Barrett photo

Taxi operators in St Thomas are cashing in on the ongoing local government elections, serving as ‘runners’.

Election runners typically pick up persons, mainly the sick and elderly, at their homes and transport them to polling stations then back home.

The statistical dead-heat between the two main political parties nationally and the tight contests expected in some St Thomas divisions make their service crucial.

For the day, taxi operators serving as runners are being paid between $10,000 and $20,000 plus a full tank of gas, according to one operator in the town of Seaforth.

He said with most businesses closed today, it was more than worth it for operators.

“Some days are good, you can make up to $14,000, but you haffi press gas. But some days are bad you barely make $6,000,” said the operator.

“Me would a haffi out deh in a the sun hot a bawl out ‘Seaforth’ and hope say me get two passengers.”

Another operator said serving as Election Day runners also means less wear and tear on their vehicles.

- Livern Barrett

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