Woman allegedly robbed by partner

April 12, 2024

A Corporate Area man will have to spend five more nights in custody before he knows if he will get bail, as he faces allegations of breaking into his partner's house and stealing almost US$4,000 (approximately $617,000) worth of clothing and electronics.

Collin Rose was remanded in custody until April 16 by Senior Parish Judge Sanchia Burrell to facilitate the attendance of the complainant. It was shared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on Thursday that on January 17, the complainant was at her home when Rose gained entry to the property and threatened her. He then took a suitcase containing clothing, shoes and electronics valued at US$3,975.

"I am not hearing a bail application and the complainant is not here," noted the senior jurist before adjourning the matter. Rose did not enter a plea to the charges of house breaking and larceny and malicious destruction of property.

He is represented by attorney-at-law Kemar Robinson, however, attorney-at-law Matthew Simms made submissions on his behalf.

"I think Mr Rose is a fit candidate for bail and it may be prudent that the complainant is here Your Honour," Simms submitted.

- T.T.

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