Teen mom hits relative for causing baby to fall

June 06, 2024

Senior Parish Judge Sanchia Burrell offered tough advice to a teenage mother, who found herself before the criminal court for allegedly wounding her relative.

While the judge was peeved at the mother's aggression, she was visibly upset that the father of the child was not brought before the court for having sex with a minor.

"You are now a single parent and your child was already brought into this world disadvantaged. You are doing something that most of us find difficult. You need to work on getting your life together," Burrell pressed the teen.

The child, who turned 16 in April, is the mother of an eight-month-old baby. It was shared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court that on May 12, the complainant went to a nearby shop and upon returning home, there was a confrontation between herself and the teen. The teen alleges that the complainant bumped into her, causing her to lose her balance and her baby to fall on to the pavement, hitting her face.

"So what did you do after the baby drop?" the senior jurist asked.

"Me say 'Girl, yuh nuh see yuh bounce me?'" and she say 'Big idiot gal, me done do it already a wah?' and that just get me ignorant Your Honour, so we start tussle," the teen explained.

The court heard further that the confrontation continued at the complainant's home, where the teen threw stones into the yard. It is further alleged that the teen's stepmother, who is jointly charged, gave the teen a piece of tile that was used to hit the complaint in the head, which caused a wound.

The teen, her stepmother and the complainant agreed to attend mediation to resolve the matter and are expected to return to court on September 30.

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