Scaled-down meets the way to go – Dyke

December 22, 2020
Rushana Dwyer of Edwin Allen High School competes in the 4x800m high school open relays at the Gibson/McCook Relays, held at the National Stadium on February 29.
Rushana Dwyer of Edwin Allen High School competes in the 4x800m high school open relays at the Gibson/McCook Relays, held at the National Stadium on February 29.

Edwin Allen High School track and field head coach Michael Dyke says scaled-down development meets may be what is necessary for the 2021 junior athletic season to take place.

High-school meets made its return after 10 months of inactivity with the Tyser Miller Classic on December 12 on the grounds of Calabar High School. Edwin Allen did not participate in the event as they normally open their season in January. However, Dyke said that based on the feedback received, the meet provided a framework for events to return next year, albeit with reduced numbers.

"We have inquired, and got some information. It sounds relatively workable, but the numbers probably weren't as what would have been in normal circumstances. Meets like those can be held in the new season once they reduce the number of athletes [participating]," Dyke told STAR Sports.

The team has yet to return to the track in a competitive capacity since the cancellation of the ISSA/GraceKennedy Boys and Girls' Athletic Championships in March because of the coronavirus pandemic. Training has resumed for the reigning girls champions; however, they have not been able to have their full complement of athletes available because of COVID 19 restrictions.


Dyke hopes that the new year will present an opportunity to have his full team training if the current health situation improves.

"We are currently still training well below our maximum capacity in terms of participants. Right now, we are about 50 per cent of our team component," Dyke told STAR Sports. "It's still a challenge but hopefully after Christmas, we can up the numbers, all being well if things [improve]. But we have to be cognisant of the fact that there might be a spike after the Christmas [period]."

In addition to Champs, the coronavirus resulted in various cancellations and postponements of events last season, including the Penn Relays. The 2021 junior athletic season will have a packed schedule with the World Under-20 Championships and Carifta Games scheduled for next year. Plans are still being made as to when, if and how Champs 2021 will take place.

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