No Sha’Carri for Racers

May 17, 2023

While there were inquiries made about the possibility of American sprinter Sha'Carri Richardson competing on Jamaica soil in the upcoming Racers Grand Prix, she will not be competing in the June 3 meet.

The meet is making its return after a two-year hiatus and has already confirmed a star-studded line-up including World 200 metres champion Shericka Jackson, World men's 200m champion, American Noah Lyles and World 100m hurdles champion and world record holder Tobi Amusan of Nigeria.

Mills said on Monday that Richardson's camp had made inquiries about competing in the event and they were still awaiting a final decision from her team as to whether she would compete in Jamaica. But Mills confirmed yesterday and said that Richardson will not be competing at the meet.

Richardson is the world leader in the 100m with a 10.76 seconds clocking to win the event at the Doha Diamond League meet on May 5. Jackson was second in Doha in 10.85.

"We don't have any confirmation. They made inquiries and expressed an interest and so we were waiting on the management to give us a final word as to what decision they have made," Mills told STAR Sports.

Mills had previously downplayed the prospect of securing Richardson to not take away from those who have already confirmed their participation.

"There would be interest, but I don't want to speculate. I don't want to put it on the front line unless it becomes a reality and to distract from the already committed array of superstars that are down to compete," Mills said on Monday.

Those stars have been bolstered with the addition of former World and Olympic 400m hurdles champion and former world record holder Dalilah Muhammad. Mills also confirmed that the Grand Prix will be without Olympic 200m bronze medallist Gabby Thomas who was scheduled to compete but has now withdrawn from the meet. Tickets for the meet were released to the public on Sunday and Mills said that he has seen a steady uptake in purchases.

Recognising the expensive nature of the undertaking, Mills is hoping that Jamaica gets behind the event to meet the shortfall.

"Right now, we are sitting on a significant deficit and we are appealing to the sports-loving public to come out and support us. So we hope that the gate receipts will go a far way to bridge that gap," Mills said. Tickets are available at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel as well as online at and

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