Police swoop down on residence on Lyndhurst Drive

June 21, 2017
Gladstone Taylor / Photographer Lawmen apprehend an unidentified man during an operaton along Lyndhurst Drive earlier this afternoon.

A group of policemen from the Half Way Tree Police Station swooped down on a residence on Lyndhurst Drive in Kingston in dramatic style earlier today.

The police told THE STAR that they were dealing with a ‘high priority case’.

Armed with rifles, some of the cops mounted the roof of the apartment complex, while others swathed the building. 

One bystander said that it felt as though he was in a movie. “It’s only the movie we see dem ting here inna.”

One of the residents who lives in the apartment complex said he was sure who the police were searching for.

A man was later seen being escorted into a vehicle by the lawmen.