Gospel Spotlight: Jai Kingston wants to lift up Bahamas with new video

October 04, 2019

When Hurricane Dorian tore through The Bahamas last month, it brought back some sad memories for gospel artiste Jai Kingston.

In 2017, Kingston was in the Lesser Antilles when hurricanes Irma and Maria hit. There was much destruction in the various islands, and out of the need to encourage those affected, Kingston released the song Double for Your Trouble.

Having seen how another storm has ravaged another Caribbean island, the artiste has now shot the video for the song and hopes the images and the message will now bring hope to the residents of Bahamas.

“The minute I saw the news and saw the reports, saw the videos, it had a huge impact on me; and I saw it fit as a song that was inspired by hurricanes Irma and Maria, of which I personally experienced the devastation, and I felt this song really needed to reach every ear and be on every consciousness,” he said. “There is a sense of comfort in knowing that storms don’t last forever. There are financial storms, literal hurricanes, job storms, relationship storms, children storms. But we have to be reminded that is just a season and everything a go be arite. This is a song saying, hold your head up because there’s a double portion coming your way on the other side.”

The video, which was released last week, saw Kingston returning to some of the affected areas to shoot a few scenes. He said that was important to make the message that more impactful.

“The video was shot in Tortola (British Virgin Islands) and it’s pretty much the look of the island getting back on its feet and coming out of that devastation into prosperity. So the video is showing that everything is gonna be alright,” he said. “People’s comments on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube tell me that people are really feeling it. Everywhere I go and sing the song, the message resonates with people. Releasing the song right after the Bahamians went through what they went through, I wanted to send an uplifting message to them and I think I did.”

Now that the video has been released, Kingston says he will be turning his attention to the video for his next single, Send Judah First.

Both will be included on his album, slated for release next year.

He told Gospel Spotlight that the compilation was to be released before the end of this year, but said he “had to put a hold on it”.

Kingston wants his fans to keep updated, as the project could drop any time in 2020.

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