Police to meet with missing cop's family

June 20, 2016

The police will be meeting today with relatives of a police constable believed to have drowned at sea off the St Ann coast.

Communications officer for the Jamaica Constabulary Force, Superintendent Stephanie Lindsay, said the police will also be meeting with personnel from Constable Oshane Thomas' workplace in order to settle on the officer's state of mind.

"An assessment of what was done last week in the search will also be done before we restart the search," she explained.

The policeman went missing last Wednesday after his vehicle was found submerged at sea.


Lindsay told THE STAR that a body has not been found at sea in a joint search by Jamaica Defence Force Coastguard and the police that had been ongoing since Wednesday night. The search was postponed on Friday.

Superintendent Lindsay says after completing these meetings, the police will decide on their next move after these meeting.

Details surrounding the incident are unclear as there are conflicting reports. One report said the constable was attempting to commit suicide in Discovery Bay, St Ann and drove into the sea, while another report suggested that the officer lost control of his motor car when it hit into an embankment resulting in the car running off the road into the sea.

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