'Camel toe' panties on the market

April 07, 2017

Camel toe panties, which are undies specially designed to give the wearer an extra buff at the front, will soon hit Jamaica's markets based on popular demand from women who said it will boost their self-esteem and bolster their bedroom game.

Venice Anderson, of Venposh Collection, which specialises in selling body enhancing wears and products, told THE WEEKEND STAR that she will be stocking the products pronto, after getting positive feedback online.

"I posted it on my page just as a fun thing, just to see what the reaction would be, and a lot of people responded to say they would buy it. Some say if they're buying it, they wouldn't let anybody know," she shared.

THE WEEKEND STAR understands that camel toe panties originated in Japan, close to a decade ago, and were known as 'party pants', but the trend did not take off until a couple of months ago on the Asian market.

Since then, the somewhat provocative product has made a comeback, after gaining much popularity in various countries, and is now being sold on universal platforms such as Amazon and eBay.


Assortment of styles


The product is made of silicone or thick fabric sewn within normal underwear, and comes in an assortment of styles and colours.

Their prices range form US$16.99 (J$2,566) to US$39.99 (J$5,134), but according to Anderson, Jamaicans will be able to buy the kinky knickers in her store pretty soon.

"The truth is I knew that there would be a market for it, and we were planning to buy them a couple of months ago, but we weren't seeing them online for sale. Now that they're available, definitely we will be buying them for sure," Anderson said.

Several women told THE WEEKEND STAR that they are quite interested in trying the product, while others said they were happy with what they were born with.

"To be honest, when I was younger I used to put tissue down there to make it look fat, so I would definitely wear it because I want to look sexy," Sasanya Dawson admitted, adding, "Women in Jamaica would really like it because men always call to them when they look buff in tights."

The product got mixed reviews from males, with some saying they would be disappointed if women used the panties to trick them, while others said they would enjoy the view.

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