Road deaths trending down
Road fatalities this year are, so far, way below last year's tally. Kenute Hare, director of the Road Safety Unit in the transport ministry, said that as of yesterday, 315 persons have died in road crashes compared to 379 last year.
"We are on track for a reduction this year. We expect no more than 325 persons to be killed on the road network by the end of the year," Hare said.
Hare told The STAR that two persons were killed over the Christmas holiday, one of whom is the victim of a hit-and-run accident.
"I want to appeal to Jamaicans to join the road safety train and practise proper road etiquette. At the end of the day, we should be driving for our families," he said.
"The fact of the matter is that we need to assess ourselves and realise that we have made errors in the traffic environment that caused the loss of more than 300 lives. We should join the train to make sure that it is less for the coming years," he added.
The road safety unit director has also renewed his appeal for persons to wear helmets when travelling on motorcycles.
"It is what protects them. They can go to the shop and buy a leg and an arm, but they cannot buy a brain and a head."