Ferry residents want place to play

August 17, 2018
When upgrading work is completed on the Mandela Highway, it will become a six lane corridor.
When upgrading work is completed on the Mandela Highway, it will become a six lane corridor.

With nowhere else to play football, residents of Ferry, on the border between St Andrew and St Catherine, say some youths are forced to use parts of the Mandela Highway, which is currently under construction, to play the sport.

The dirt patch that they once used as a a pitch is now covered with asphalt and concrete, while the whereabouts of their goal posts is unknown.

"A right weh di bridge deh wi use to play ball," one resident told THE WEEKEND STAR.

And while they are glad for the upgrade in infrastructure, they are calling on authorities to provide them with a place where they can carry out various recreational activities, such as football and cricket.

"Dem need fi build up one community centre ova yah, and dem need fi find some weh put the ball field inna di community," another resident said.

But with them being unable to identify a location for a football field, the residents are not hopeful.

In addition to the need for a football field, the residents said they also need a community centre.

"Wi want back a ball field fi di yute dem cause dem use to play dem cricket and football and guh enter inna different competition," Karla Campbell told THE WEEKEND STAR.

She fears that if the community has nowhere for the youths to play sports, they could turn to crime.

"Wi need something for dem to do because nuff a dem a guh idle and get inna trouble cause dem nuh have nutten better fi do," she said.

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