Man beats babymother with board

May 21, 2019

A St James man, who reportedly hit his babymother with a board during a confrontation, was the butt of jokes in the St James Parish Court last Wednesday after admitting to having previously cheated on her.

Derrick Wilson, of a Norwood address, was before the court to answer to the charge of assault. He pleaded guilty with explanation.

According to reports, on April 2, the complainant went to Wilson's house and confronted him over the quality of some baby clothes he had for their child the day before. A fight broke out, during which Wilson used a board to hit the complainant on the hand and leg.

In giving his version of events, Wilson told presiding judge Sandria Wong-Small that the complainant had attacked him first and that she was stalking him.

"She started to wrestle with me. I pushed her off and told her to go home, and she grabbed me and bit me and I hit her with the board. She is the one stalking me as I can't have a girlfriend at my house, and the last girlfriend I had, she beat the girlfriend," said Wilson.

"Was that at a time when you were together?" Wong-Small asked sternly.

"Yes," Wilson admitted.

"Then who a di worthless one in here?" Wong-Small demanded, triggering laughter in the courtroom.

"It's unfortunate that you have a child together and you can't get along, and it's going to negatively affect your child. I'm going to make a mediation order in the matter," the judge added before extending Wilson's bail to June 13.

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